
After God, only the www comes close to being omni-present. 除了上帝之外,网路是唯一好像无所不在的。

In Traditional Chinese In Simplified Chinese

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This is a test page for designing works for students that will be conducted bilingually in English and Mandarin Chinese



*1. A Sample English/Chinese Bilingual Work for Students 中英文作业/考试样本之一

*2. A Sample English/Chinese Bilingual Work for Students 中英文作业/考试样本之二

*3. Test my buttons: if you are homesick, hit this button and see if you feel better. 试验我的按钮设计: 假如你想家的话,按此按钮,看看会不会好一点。

According to Confucius, if you do not cut the meat as neat as toufu, I will not eat it! 子曰:肉不正不食!